Standard (EADGBE)

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You say all you wanted was a sign, my love,

Some-thing to show that I am always with you,

I could give you many, many signs, my love,

But I'm afraid that I might just con-fuse you,

Losing you was all I needed to find you,

I never real-ised how I could miss you,

And I don't care where, or what, you've been doing,

As long as for the future you are with me!

If all you wanted was a sign from me to you,

I wonder what on earth you wanted me to do,

I tried so hard to prove that I had changed my ways,

You didn't be-lieve me, you didn't be-lieve me! | / / / / |

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To admit to everything I feel, my love,

Is to expose my fondest dream to daylight,

Loving you is something I can do alone,

But if you know I'm frightened you might run away,

Life is full of circles, and it's my turn now,

I remember times when you were phoning me,

I never understood the laws of life, my love,

But I hope I learnt a little of the laws of you!

If all you wanted was a sign from me to you,

I wonder what on earth you wanted me to do,

I tried so hard to prove that I had changed my ways,

You didn't be-lieve me, you didn't be-lieve me! | / / / / |

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= x02010

= x02020

= xx0231

= 020200

= 020100

= 133211

= xx0232

= x24432

= x02220