Standard (EADGBE)


4 bars of arpeggios on Bb then, over 4 bars, Bb F Bb

Some mother's son lies in a field

Someone has killed some mother's son today

Head blown up by some soldier's gun

While all the mothers stand and wait

Some mother's son ain't coming home today

Some mothers son ain't got no grave

Two soldiers fighting in a trench

One soldier glances up to see the sun

And dreams of games he played when he was young

And then his friend calls out his name

It stops his dream and as he turns his head

A second later he is dead (2 bars of D)

Some mother's son lies in a field

Back home they put his picture in a frame

But all dead soldiers look the same

While all the parents stand and wait

To meet their children coming home from school

Some mother's son is lying dead

Somewhere someone is crying

Someone is trying to be so brave

But still the world keeps turning

Though all the children have gone away

Some mother's son lies in a field

But in his mother's eyes he looks the same

As on the day he went away

They put his picture on the wall

They put flowers in the picture frame

Some mothers memory remains

Albums this song can be found on: Arthur