Standard (EADGBE)


you put on your raincoat

cause it looks like it just might today

you grab your keys, and you're out the door

before you know where you're going.

if blame, as they say, is for god and little kids

then you're deserving of praise or a slap on the wrist

cause you can't help but blame yourself

for your long face

not a day passes that you don't fold your hands

and ask St. Francis to find the lust for life

that you lost when she left

with your tounge and your last breath

she's a thief with an eye for nice things


not a day passes that you don't close your eyes

and ask St. Francis to find the love of your life

that you lost when she left

you dumb fuck, your life's a mess

without her to tell you what to say

or when to breathe

or what you'll need or where you're going.