Standard (EADGBE)



(do chords pattern; ----;)

I see my fear Everytime I open up my eyes

When you come around I will tried to hynotize

I talk in fear coz you caught me by suprise

I need to scream or I need to realize


(do chords pattern; ----;)

I've been so full of you

Need not to take it

Give something else that I can do

How can I disappear

When I can't even see those thing I tried to hear



I'm sick and tired of all these games

This game you tried to feed me

But it feels the same



(do chords pattern; ----;)

Now that you're gone maybe I can be like someone else

I talk to proud just to let it my chest

I can't believe I was'nt stuck inside

Been there for so long did'nt notice past this time

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Repeat Chorus)


You'll say you be alright

But you wont give up without a fight

Thing have been so unreal

Give me something else that I can kill

Just one more thing before go

When you leave Just close the door

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Repeat Chorus)

(repeat interlude)