Standard (EADGBE)

Hi! These chords seem right to me, it sounds

pretty good! The strumming is simple,

just listen to the song to get it down.

Let me know what ya think:)


From the day we met

You made me forget

All my fears

Knew just what to say

And you kissed away

All my tears

I knew this time I had finally found

Someone to build my life around

Be a lover and a friend

After all my heart had put me through

I knew that it was safe with you

And what we had would never end

Wrong again

Everybody swore

They’d seen this before

We’d be fine

And you’d come to see that you still loved me

In good time

And they said there’s nothing you can do

It’s something that he’s going through

It happens to a lot of men

And I told myself that they were right

That you’d wake up and see the light

And I just had to wait ’til then

Wrong again

And it seemed to me the pain would last

My chance for happiness had passed

And nothing waited ’round the bend

I was sure I’d never find someone

To heal the damage you had done

And my poor heart would never mend

Wrong again

Wrooong again

Have fun!! RATE:)