Standard (EADGBE)





Canada is the Rocky Mountains - Canada is Prince Edward Island

Canada is a country made for love

Canada is La Belle Provence - Canada is the Yukon Mine

Canada is a country full of (love). (faith) (loving peace)


We have love for our neighbour - Of whatever creed or colour

We have love for our cities - And our valleys and our plains

fism fism

We have a voice that is calling - Telling all the world we're willing

To welcome them to this great land - For that's what Canada is.



Canada is the Rocky Mountains....................


We have faith in our future - We're ready for tomorrow

We have faith in our children - For our future's in their hands

fism fism

We have a voice that is calling - Telling us to keep on hoping

For time will make this wild land great - And that's what Canada is.



Canada is the Rocky Mountains...........


We have peace in our valleys - We're happy and contented

We have peace in our cities - And our boundaries have no chains

We have a voice that is calling - Telling all free men we're willing

To show them how to live in peace - For that's what Canada is.



Canada is the Rocky Mountains............