Standard (EADGBE)

Monday evening sun is shining, stripes of lightcome through the blinds across

the floor.

Walking down the sidewalk (mister?), Christmas wreathes are hanging out from

the liqour store.

Pretty soon, that old muddy snow out on the way is going

to turn into June, and folks will start thinking about their wedding day.

Those holly leaves on the doorway girl, are just as green at Christmas

as they are in June

and it might be a little rough to the touch, but that's the kind of

loving i want to give to you. F1

So where do we go when we're feeling like we're leaving all the places

that we miss so much? When we're looking for a summer and a steering

wheel that's too hot to touch? cover up tight.

you've got a winterlight.

And then you rinse and repeat for the rest of the song.