Standard (EADGBE)


Verse, Power Chords

(NB: for those of you not familiar with power chords, a quick lesson. The

power chord is the simplest possible form of chord to play! Simply take

one finger and place it on the correct note (eg. to play a D power chord,

place a finger on the 5th fret of the A-string), then place another finger

on the next string up (or down when looking at your fingers) two frets

further up the neck (eg. to play a D, with one finger on the 5th of A,

place another on the 7th of D). Now strum the two strings!! Easy! )

The following power chords are used:











Here's where they go:

Another gift from god

Breathing deep religiously


Splintering inside of me

Light speed...........


Driven by its purity

Cloud nine white line this time I'm on Adrenaline


Solo riff


And there you go, it's DIY from there! Best of luck!