Standard (EADGBE)

The secon mate was Andy

By Crhist he had a dandy

Till they crushed his cock on a jagged rock

For cumming in the brandy

The cabin boy was Flipper

He was a fucking nigger

He stuffed his ass with broken glass

And circumcised the skipper


Frigin' in the riggin'

Frigin' in the riggin'

Frigin' in the riggin'

There was fuck all else to do



The Captain's wife was Mabel

To fuck she was not able

So the dirty shits, they nailed her tits

Across the barroom table

The Captain had a daughter

Who fell in deep sea water

And by her squeals we knew the eels

Had found her sexual quarters


Friggin' in the Riggin'

Friggin' in the Riggin'

Friggin' in the Riggin'

There was fuck all else to do


= 577xxxx

= x355xxx

= x577xxx

= 133xxxx

= 355xxxx

A full entonces, a sacar la cancion q es re facil.

Para las yeguas mastodontizadas de Fede, Chuni y Correa.